The Wonder of Weather
This being January 2, 2024, it was just announced, on the news radio station, that December, 2023, was…
This being January 2, 2024, it was just announced, on the news radio station, that December, 2023, was…
I know, I’m jumping around topics, or so it seems, but a deeper dive into this blog, once…
A look back at 2023, a milestone year for me, for Bev, probably for the dogs as well.…
THE LOVE/HATE RELATIONSHIP WITH SOCIAL MEDIA Let me begin this with a caveat: I’m as guilty as anyone.…
A REFLECTION ON INTENTIONAL LIVING, DECEMBER 2023 A quick summary for you all, from earlier posts on this…
BEV AND TOBY A question from a close online friend and faithful follower, “hey, Bill, how is Toby?…