The Journey Part 25
LET’S TALK ABOUT COURAGE I have met two middle-aged women, on the trail, who have had cancer twice,…
LET’S TALK ABOUT COURAGE I have met two middle-aged women, on the trail, who have had cancer twice,…
THE WEIRD, WEIRD WEATHER It is April 14th as I write this, and the desert is not hot.…
THE ART OF PRICE GOUGING You are all aware, I’m sure, of the meaning of price gouging. If…
I DON’T MIND TRAVELING ALONE, BUT I DON’T LIKE . . . This is a new revelation for…
LIVING MY BEST LIFE I was sitting in the city park this morning, in the touristy town of…
FRIENDS IN LOW PLACES I was thinking about this the other day, and I’m reminded of it again…