Mr. Philosophical returns with yet another down-and-dirty question about life. Thanks for joining me. Let’s loosen up those neurons in the brain and deep dive into another question worthy of Aristotle’s attention.
The religious among us will nod their heads at this statement: we are given the gift of life to fulfill a purpose. Said another way, we are placed on this spinning orb to follow a pre-ordained path.
Now, I make no judgement, one way or another, regarding that belief. I simply wonder how we know which path is ours to take and, if we don’t know as we are growing up, how do we find out which path is destined for our footsteps?
These thoughts popped into my head, unbidden, as I was giving more thought to one of my favorite literary quotes: “The mass of men lead lives of quiet desperation.” We have Henry David Thoreau to thank for those “uplifting” words, I say with tongue in cheek. I happen to agree with Thoreau’s viewpoint. I certainly saw it growing up, and I certainly see it today, so many people “stuck” in a life with no apparent exit sign, no way to jump off the economic hamster wheel, no way, apparently, to undo what needs to be undone.
I don’t know if you’ve been paying attention, but there are a great many unhappy people in the world today and especially, it seems to me, in the “advanced” industrial nations. Hope seems to be a commodity many cannot afford. Dreams seem to be prizes just out of reach of millions of people.
For those people, and perhaps some of you reading this are among them, do you know where your true path is? Do you know what your purpose is? Is it simply to live out your days in unhappiness, frustration, even bitterness?
“Walk the road, though twists may bend,
Let courage guide where doubts descend.
Through shadowed trails and skies so vast,
Your path is yours—walk bold, stand fast.”
If you are religious, do you believe you were put on this planet to be unhappy? And, if you are not religious, is unhappiness the goal you long for, or would you prefer to find the path to happiness?
I’m just a guy who is curious about such things. I’ve found my path and I’m quite pleased with my journey. I’ll let you in on a secret, something I have never shared with anyone up until this very moment: I have always believed I exist to serve a higher purpose. And, when I say always believed, I mean exactly that. I believed it as a child, as do most children, I believed it as a teen, I believed it during my darkest hours when I strained to see any light at all, and I believe it now.
Does that mean I believe in a god? Not necessarily; it simply means that I was born a human, and since I was old enough to form a kernel of a reflective thought, I have believed that life must have meaning, not only for me but for all humans. That does not mean it is ordained by some deity, but simply that it would be a crying shame if all we did was live out our lives without purpose.
And, I will toss in a bonus, one more fact I have never shared: I still do not know what my purpose is, but I’m always on the lookout, hoping to spot it, hoping to snag a passing hint, hoping in some way to realize it so I might take actions to achieve it.
I was born for greatness.
I believe we were all born for greatness.
And I believe we are the instruments by which greatness will either be achieved or not achieved.
Which begs the question: what is greatness for me? What is it for you?
And, so, I ask you again . . . what is your path? Have you found it? Have you achieved greatness? Are you seeking greatness?
“Rise beyond doubt, let courage ignite,
Dreams take flight in the heart’s own light.
With steadfast steps and purpose true,
There’s nothing we seek we cannot do.”
Happy hunting, one and all!
### Do you believe in Evil? Not evil acts, not people acting evil, but the personification of Evil? That’s the central them behind my supernatural thriller Shadow series of novels, six total, the first of which is “Shadows Kill.” You will find it on Amazon under William Holland.
Thank you!
Sue, I sat in the sun yesterday, without a coat. A treat, my friend. Snow for you? Oh my! That is ominous and slightly depressing for an avid gardener.
I could not survive the long plane trip to Europe; much too long for these old bones to sit inactive. However, if it were somehow possible, there are several people in the UK I would love to meet in person and spend time with. You are one of them. I would find meeting you to be a very fulfilling.
I am glad life is good Bill… And Spring is springing and the bees will soon be buzzing. Life carries on even though I know you have grieved some losses..
Seeds are planted and sprouting well too here Bill… Hopefully I should have a garden blog up soon… I took some pictures yesterday… But did pull my back in the battle with a simple old Sage root.. and the root won… I pulled and pulled dug and twisted.. In the end Hubby had to give me a hand…. So today I have rested, as I pulled a muscle… Easy done these days, and I should have known better. As we do.. 🙂 😉
So today I sat with my reading book… Feet up as the sun shone through the window… It was 18 C on Tuesday, as I sat outside reading then, today its ten degrees down, to 8C. Chill wind.. And long range forecasting says we may get snow in April…
Just what the farmers and lambing time need. Lets hope its just a sprinkle and nothing more…
Sending lots of love and hugs your way. 🙂 Have a great weekend
No apologies please, Sue. I love your words, your thoughts, your mind, and your spirit. You are a joy, and I appreciate you taking the time to share with me.
Your words about indoctrination reminded me of a song by Supertramp called “The Logical Song.’ It speaks of how we come into this world with wonder in our hearts, only to have that wonder and inquisitiveness chipped away by those who want us to be logical and march to the beat of society’s drum.
How terribly stifling that is.
The first day of spring, my friend. The rain is pounding us today, but it is warmer, I have packs of seeds demanding my attention, and beehive boxes I need to construct. In other words, life is good, Sue.
Love heading back to you from across The Pond
We are all of us I feel Bill, are always walking a pathway to discovery.
And it often leads to the discovery of ourselves. Like you, I have always felt
I had a mission in life..
Have I found that mission.. Who knows.. for like you, we are in the process of discovery.. And as we do, we shift our perspectives, and realign our thought processes. As we learn from new experiences.
All my life I feel I have just tried to be the best version of myself. Trying to be kind, and helpful along the way…
Have I made mistakes?.. Yes, plenty…. Did I learn from them? yes, will I make more mistakes? most likely… We are human.. And part of that experience I have always felt is we learn to grow… or not… depending on what it is we came here to learn..
I changed my perspectives on God years ago… After years of Methodist teachings.. I did my share too of Bible study up to my mid teens.. Then I let it all go, and got on with life. I married, had a family, and life took over.
Then another stage happens as you ponder and life takes you down another road, to another discovery, and I started to learn about consciousness and spirituality… Then God is not out there, up there… But in here… inside… consciousness. And I then explored my own spiritual side, intuition, and that opened up another pathway…
I don’t think it matters what path we are on Bill… Each is unique… Each path leads us via different routes… Some of us find contentment and happiness, others stay in their familiar ruts of discontent, and bitterness…
To find happiness, I feel first you have to find the pathway to your own heart.. And know what it holds… And love yourself in the process…
You were born for greatness.. OH yes… we all were, but along the way we were brow beaten by so many indoctrinated ways, we lost sight of just how great we were… But I am very hopeful Bill, that we are regaining our inner-standing… We are slowly beginning to see our self worth…
I hope dear Bill, we ALL of us finally find our true path… To guide us home xx 💖
Great thought provoking post Bill… And you lead me to a few of my own.. So apologies on the essay 🙂 haha…
Much love my friend 💖🙏