Superman was a comic book hero. Is there anyone who does not know that? He did not exist, nor did Clark Kent, nor Jimmy Olsen, nor the hot babe Lois Lane. They were FICTIONAL!
Why am I stating what many of you know to be the obvious?
I sense, in the Year of our Lord, 2024, that many people in the United States, hell, in most of Western Civilization, expect Superman to fly down from the heavens and save them from this shit show we call a democratic capitalistic Plutocracy. Any dude who can bend steel in his bare hands, and change the course of mighty rivers, can surely return Life to the times when an average, hard-working citizen could actually own a home (or pay rent), purchase food, pay the rest of the bills, and still have money left over for a hamburger.
That’s what it feels like to me, people praying for a miracle, walking around dazed, blaming other people for their plight, not sure how the hell to climb out of the cesspool they reside in. It’s the only reason I can think of to explain why there is not rioting in the streets right now, why people are not revolting against the manipulation of their lives and the rigging of the game we call life.
Where is the anger?
Where is the “I’m not going to take it anymore” attitude? Where is the screw you, we want change and I’ll toss you out of office if change doesn’t happen” mindset?
But, instead of real action, citizens of the World are busy blaming each other. Well, it must be those damned Liberals, and if it isn’t them it’s got to be the Conservative Right, and don’t forget the Evangelicals, and toss in a little Latin Hate, Black Hate, Yellow Hate, and anyone who dares to claim they are something other than heterosexual.
Poverty is increasing. Foreclosures are increasing. People with more than one job, out of necessity, are increasing in number. Homelessness is increasing. Mental health issues are on the rise . . . dramatically. Life expectancy decreased for the first time in fifty years. Most jobs, and the politicians love to talk about the low unemployment rate during an election year, do not pay enough to just pay rent, let alone food and other expenses? Get an education, the elitists say, so you can qualify for a better job. No problem, I say, just let me pull that $36,000 college expense out of my ass and pay for that but oops, I forgot, people get sick, and a whole lot of them don’t have medical coverage, so sorry, bucko, that education will have to wait while you work eighteen hours per day to pay for the appendicitis.
Where is the passion? Seriously. I saw more protests in one week in 1969 than I’ve seen in the last year in 2023-2024. Where the hell is THE PASSION? Why is no one pissed that shareholders and board directors of major corporations are reaping record profits while the peons beneath them can’t pay for necessities? Why is no one pissed that elected officials, in Washington D.C., are bought and paid for, and those who are not owned by Big Pharma or Fat Cat Corp. are labeled Socialists?
And let this sink in for a moment: things are going to get worse! Not for the banks. Not for the Chase Manhattans and Wells Fargo Banks of the world. Things are going to get worse for the single mother of two, the dad of three working two jobs, the homeless on the street, the social workers one rung on the economic ladder above those they help, the factory workers, the service industry as a whole, things are going to get “cry yourself to sleep at night” worse . . . and yet no one can pull themselves off the couch long enough to stage a half-assed protest.
Do you want Superman to suddenly appear?
Look in a mirror!
I’m not sure when citizens of the U.S., collectively, became comfortable with looking to the government for solutions. I suspect, like most change, this shift in attitude, from can do to let someone else do it, happened very slowly. I suspect, as a nation, we became too comfortable, too gullible, and too dependent upon assistance. I suspect, as each year passed, and with it another ounce of self-respect, it became easier to pawn off responsibility to others, until we finally reached a point where the spirit of self-sufficiency, which once ran so deep in the veins of our ancestors, was but a memory.
At this very moment, fat old men, smoking cigars, are determining your financial future. Right this moment, in computer rooms larger than some buildings, large screens are being monitored, and on those screens are copies of your emails, your texts, your social media activity and yes, your photo. The old tv series “Person of Interest” is happening daily in the U.S. of A., has been happening since the formation of Homeland Security and the writing of the Patriot Act, and we accept it as the price we must pay for our safety.
When did our freedoms under the Bill of Rights become poker chips to be snatched away by The House in a rigged game?
Look in a mirror!
If you are a member of the Bottom 99%, things will not get better until you start taking responsibility for your own life. Those who lived during The Great Depression understood this simple lesson. You look out for yourself, you look out for your family, and you look out for your neighbors. You don’t trust the Government to do anything for you. You do it yourself, period, end of story. You quit hoping and expecting Superman to appear, and you slip on a cape and do your best imitation of the Man of Steel because, and I really believe this, you have what it takes to make a better life.
Look in a mirror!
Sis, this has been a long time coming. I didn’t think I would live long enough to come to the realization that we really have practically no say in what happens in this country. And as unbelievable as that statement is, what’s more unbelievable is that there are about 360 million sheep who are seemingly okay with it and/or haven’t noticed that our democracy has been stolen while our eyes were open.
I can’t expel anymore energy on this. I am taking steps to be self-sufficient, and not reliant on the government for a damned thing.
Hugs, thanks, and love,
Bro…..Wow, Buddy……just “Wow!!” Sometimes, you blow me away. Those 2 short sentences have to be enough because if I were to choose to say more……I know I’d rant on for an hour & perhaps rave for yet another hour. Not gonna do that……actually can’t do it for sensible reasons. I’m still up at 1:35a.m. (due to an extra long nap I took today) Time to hit the sack now and if I get too worked up (which I’ve been known to do!)…..I’ll pace & mumble ugly things that you & I both KNOW won’t help nor change a damned thing!………..You’re 100% correct and rational. and so is Smokey the Bear….Only WE…can prevent Forest fires. WE must take care of US!! Love & Hugs, Big Sis
I do think, Andrea, that people are feeling overwhelmed, and many are feeling hopeless, they don’t feel like they can do anything to make things better.
It sometimes seems as if everything is broken, and I wonder if people are just so bewildered at the amount of things wrong that it’s hard to know what to feel angry about first!
Shell, my friend, I need reminders just as often as anyone else. It is far too easy for me to become complacent.
I hope you are doing well. Take care and thank you for your thoughts.
I think that was a wise move on your part, my friend. I am nnot prone to random thoughts of civil unrest, but I feel strongly that it is coming.
I am expecting civil unrest to be more violent in the next few years than I have ever seen. Hoping I am wrong in this prediction. I am so confident that I left a job as an armed security officer at a downtown bus station because I am not willing to risk being physically harmed by fanatics of the right or the left.
Ann, I have no answers, but I do think things are going to get ugly soon in this country.
The 50’s? I always hesitate to see things through rose-colored glasses but my God, Ann, things had to be better then, didn’t they? I don’t remember my parents complaining about corrupt politicians and how unfair life is. They were able to provide, get by, have a little extra. They were simple people and that’s all they really wanted in life. Today, good luck. I’m just grateful I’m not a teenager today, faced with a bleak economic future and the cards stacked against me.
I hope you are enjoying your time with family. Be well.
Amen to that! Well said, Bill! It is, of course, exactly the same here. We are a nation used to your NHS (National Health Service) which was created for those in need after the war, to help look after everyone. The NHS, along with many other things, is no longer effective, no longer operating properly, because the powers that be have messed it up. We can only get private dental treatment now and, when everything is getting so much more expensive, few people can afford that so they’re extracting their own teeth (I kid you not)! Privatisation has meant that water companies have become beholden to share-holders so that now our rivers are polluted and our water is also expensive.
I could go on but I won’t, because you’re right; the only ones who can do anything for us are ourselves. We have to bring people to account, of course, but we have to look to number one. Our government is useless (also self-serving) and so much is corrupt or ineffectual that we have to just get on and sort it all out ourselves.
What makes me afraid is that the ones protesting are also just out for themselves or they are fighting in the streets because they like fighting! I don’t know what the answer is but I do know that I was a lot happier in the 50s when life was simpler, people seemed happier and there was hope for the future – where did that go?
It’s easy to be pessimistic but that doesn’t get us anywhere – we surely need to stand up for what and who is right. Love and compassion would solve so much but there is a preoccupation with ‘self’, looking inward instead of outward. Expecting someone else to take responsibility resounds all around – WE should take responsibility and make the words make sense. Let’s all put on the crusading cape and spread as much good as we can!
Sorry, that’s rather a long rant but your words just lit the touch paper!
Hope all’s well with you, Bill. Keep doing your amazing bit for the world!
This fire is why I feel in love with your writing, Bill! I love that you let it out. We have lost passion as a society – we talk about following your heart, knowing your passion, living fully… but we don’t know what that really means! We have equated it to a feeling of joy and happiness, but passion can also ignite fury. We need to get back to having things we truly care about versus just say we do.
We includes me.
I am we.
Thank you for reminding me of the need to be ACTIVE not passive.